1. welde啤酒
2. sunewbeer啤酒
3. Edelweiss啤酒
airPleasure無酒精天然植物無火型 藤條香薰 藤枝香薰 陶瓷香座 精油150ml18種香水香味選擇:水百合aqua lily/青竹green bamboo/白棉花white cotton/風信花water hyacinth/泰國茉莉thai jasmine/法國薰衣草french lavender/埃及麝香egytian musk/海霧ocean mist/土爾其玫瑰turkish rose/櫻花sakura/非洲紫羅蘭african violet/香格里拉shangrila/天使花angel flower/蒙古幽蘭magnolia orchid/蘋果與莓apple berries/百合與蓮花lily & lotus/晨曦morning dew/薄雪草edelweiss
4. wild west啤酒
蒙美薩的牛仔們又名:Cowboys of Moo Mesa英文名:Wild West C.O.W. - Boys of Moo Mesa集數: 26國家/地區(qū): 美國上映日期: 1992-1994劇情簡介:三名“牛”(黃牛、藍牛和黑牛)牛仔在moo mesa懲惡揚善的故事,壞人是另一頭蒙面紅牛和倆跟班禿鷹、一個藍不拉幾的小矮子。另有兩位可愛的牛小姐。
5. wild beer 啤酒
mild的反義詞是: wild
I had a couple of mild tonight.
Paganini had led a wild life as a youth .帕格尼尼青年時代生活放蕩。
Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation .我們靠著野果才沒餓死。
By strange, wild shores they sailed .他們沿著陌生、荒蕪的海岸航行。
I declare you're a wild man, bob hearn .我說你真是蠻子,鮑勃候恩。
He sowed all his wild oats before he married .他荒唐夠了才結婚的。
The girl stuck a wild flower in her hair .女孩在頭發(fā)上插了一朵野花。
They lit a fire to keep wild animals off .他們燃起篝火防止野獸接近。
Wild rumors were circulating about her .關于她的荒唐謠言正到處傳播。
He bounced up and stared at me wild .他一下子跳起來,發(fā)瘋似地瞪著我。
A wild surmise filled robertson .羅伯遜的頭腦里充滿著胡亂的猜測。
His wild ambition was thoroughly exposed .他的狼子野心暴露無遺。
A wild sight burst on them .一個亂騰騰的景象突然出現在他們眼前。
Those boys have been allowed to run wild.那些男孩子無人管教肆無忌憚。
The wild extremists always win out .恣意的極端分子經常獲得成功。
Before liberation he subsisted on wild potatoes .解放前他靠吃野薯度日。