大概三張ppt的內容,自己整理一下就可以用了,喜歡要給獎勵哦~一、飲食習慣:1.德國人多屬日爾曼族。The germans are the Germanic family.2.愛好“大塊吃肉,大口喝酒”?!?Big eat meat, big drink”.3.每人每年的豬肉消費量達66千克。Each year 66 kg of pork consumption.4.居世界首位。Occupies the world first place.5.德國的早餐比起午餐和晚餐是最豐盛的。Germany than breakfast lunch and dinneris the most abundant.6.酒宴上,德國人互不勸酒也不逼酒,喝者各自量力而為。The germans are not forced QuanJiuwine, drink each person over your head.7.德國的飲食特點是營養豐富,方便省時,文明科學,吃飽吃好。Germany's food characteristic are rich innutrients, convenient province, civilization science, eat satisfied eat well.8.德國人主食為黑麥、小麥和土豆,面包是德國人最喜愛的食品;還喜歡吃奶酪、香腸配以生菜色拉和水果。German staple food for wheat and ryebread, potatoes are German favorite food; Also like to eat cheese sausage matchwith lettuce salad and fruit.9.德國人吃飯講究實惠,不圖浮華。TheGerman people eat cultured for affordable, glitz.10.德國人口味喜清淡、甜酸,不愛吃油膩食品,不愛吃辣。German taste like light sweet and sour,not the love eat greasy food, not the love eat spicy.11.在飲料方面,德國人最愛喝啤酒,也愛喝葡萄酒。 In the drink, the germans love to drink beer, also love to drink wine.二、餐飲禮儀1.當德國人在宴會上或用餐時,他們注重女士優先的原則。When the germans in the party or have dinner, they payingattention to the principle of lady first .2.他們有個習俗,那就是吃魚的刀叉不能用來吃別的。They have a custom, that is knives and forks to eat fishcannot be used to eat the others.三、著名的德國菜品?Sauerbraten――醋切牛肉?SchweinebratCn――烤豬肉 ?Schwelnehaxen――成豬蹄 ?Sauerkraut――酸白菜 ?Maultaschen――肉菠菜大餛飩(斯圖加特美食) ?Knodel――馬鈴薯麥團 ?Linsensuppe――扁豆湯 ?Kartoffelsuppe――馬鈴薯湯 ?Zwiebelkuchen――洋蔥事肉餅 ?Rinderroulade――牛肉卷 ?ForelleMullerin――炸河鱒 ?Hering――膠鮮魚
The German diet has its own characteristics. The Germans are the Germanic family,hobbies large pieces of meat, drink, pork consumption per person per year up to 66kilograms, ranking first in the world. The Germans eating pork, also love his pig. InGermany's largest industrial Ruhr City, although the area is many-storied buildingseverywhere, but residents in the building between the provision of a pig farm, every year hire butcher slaughter their own pigs, one family to eat half a year. Due to a preference for pork, most famous German dishes are pork products, a most famous dish is covered with all kinds of sour cabbage sausage and ham, sometimes with apig hind legs instead of sausage and ham. In addition to the German per capita pork,bread consumption among the world top 80 kilograms, per person per year to eatbread.Germany to bring, people immediately think of beer. Indeed, the German beer as the automobile, electrical appliances, football, be known to all the world, is famous in the world of beer kingdom. German beer consumption per capita ranks first in the world,is the world's first beer belly.The German diet culture has its unique features, they are eat and treat has a lot of experience is worth us thinking deeply.德國的飲食有其自身的特點。德國人是日耳曼語系,愛好“大塊的肉,喝”,每年多達66公斤的人的豬肉消費量,居世界第一位。德國人吃豬肉,也愛他的豬。在德國最大的工業區魯爾,盡管面積高樓大廈比比皆是,但居民在一個養豬場的供應之間的建筑,每年雇用屠宰自己的豬,一家人吃了半年。由于偏愛豬肉,德國最著名的菜肴是豬肉產品,最著名的菜肴是覆蓋著各種酸白菜香腸和火腿,有時有一只豬后腿代替香腸和火腿。除了人均豬肉德國,世界前80公斤面包消費中,每人每年吃面包。提起德國,人們馬上會想到啤酒。事實上,德國啤酒作為汽車,電器,足球,是眾所周知的世界,在世界著名的啤酒王國。德國的人均啤酒消費量居世界第一,是世界上第一個“啤酒肚”。德國的飲食文化有其獨特的特點,他們是“吃”和“治療”有很多經驗值得我們深思。